8 Week Course

Yoga Therapy for Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Dates to be Confirmed

The Yoga Therapy 8-week course is an evidence-based program developed by the founder of The Minded Institute, Heather Mason. The comprehensive course draws on mind-body practices to support mental health and improve emotional regulation by using a combination of Mindfulness Meditation and ancient yoga techniques. The course has been specifically designed to address physiological and psychological dimensions of depression, stress, and anxiety, empowering you to deeply understand how specific techniques provide immediate and long-term relief. The combination of this mind-body practice will help regulate mood and emotions, improve self-awareness and alter habitual patterns of thought and behaviour in a therapeutic safe environment. 


£250.00 for 8 weeks therapy


Please contact:
Booking essential, places limited

Course Structure

Weekly Sessions

Each week the course combines asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breath work) and Mindfulness Meditation. Each session will inform the student how the mind, body and brain work together from a scientific perspective. The course will visit new themes each week which will give you strategies that can be used both on and off the mat to enable you to better manage stress and enhance your well-being. During weeks 1-2 we focus on regulating breath as a way to alter the functioning of your nervous system so that you can manage stress with greater ease.  From weeks 3 – 5 we concentrate on the relationship between body and mood helping you to understand emotional health through your body. Weeks 6 – 8 we focus specifically on the mind engaging in practices that enable you to view and adapt your mental patterns in new and helpful ways. Each week follows on from the previous weeks of learning. At the end of each session the group is opened up for discussion about your experiences during class and to ask any questions. 

Homework Practice 

Homework will be given at the end of each class to practice daily along with reading material to support your learning.  Over the course you will become familiar with the practice giving you the skills to apply in daily life. This will support your growth and development for the future and help manage stress with more ease.

Course Materials 

The course includes:

  • A comprehensive manual 

  • A CD/itunes set with eight tracks of yoga and mindfulness which coincide with each week of the course

The studio provides all equipment; however, you will need your own yoga mat at home to help with a home practice.

Session Structure

Each class broadly follows the same 2-hour structure every week:

  • Yoga practise with awareness 1 hour 15 minutes

  • Breath work (Pranayama) 15-20 minutes

  • Group Activity 15 minutes. The group activity serves to highlight the teaching related to that week. Activities come from either the mindfulness or yoga tradition

  • Group Discussion 15 minutes. During the discussion students can ask questions related to yoga and mindfulness, share insights, listen to others or choose to be silent. Everyone gets an opportunity to speak in an organised fashion.

  • Explanation of daily homework of a yoga and mindfulness practice

Teacher Support

During the course every student receives individual attention so you’ll feel safe and supported throughout. Additionally, there is opportunity to book private sessions via telephone conversation if you would like extra support.

Do I need to have previous Yoga and Mindfulness experience?

The course is suitable for the complete beginner in yoga and mindfulness. It is also suitable for those who are regular yoga practitioners, or yoga teachers as it is designed to take your practice to a much deeper level due to the integration of weekly themes.

Is the course right for me? 

The course is designed for anyone wanting to improve their mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, particularly people living with stress, anxiety and depression. The course is not ideal for people living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If you are unsure please get in touch. You will be asked to fill out a registration form to ensure the course is right for you before booking onto the course.